The UK Embassy in Thailand

The UK Embassy in Thailand

An Open letter to the Ambassador of the UK Embassy Thailand Regarding Visa Application Processes for LGBTQ Asian community.
Cameron McKean Cameron McKean

Date:  30/03/2024

Dear Ambassador for the UK in Thailand,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Cameron McKean, and I am the CEO, Director, and Founder of Confidia Limited, based in Australia with offices globally including Thailand and the UK. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the visa application process for young gay men from Thailand and Cambodia who wish to visit the United Kingdom.

Thailand, as you may be aware, is a country experiencing significant growth and prosperity. It has advanced rapidly, outpacing some European countries in various aspects. This progress is reflected in the increased cost of living and higher average incomes among Thais. Despite these advancements, we have observed a troubling trend in the rejection of UK visitor visa /applications from this demographic, with the reason often cited as “Not a genuine visitor.”

Furthermore, it has come to my attention that the processing of these applications has been outsourced to India. This raises questions about the efficiency and fairness of the evaluation process considering India position towards the LGBTQ community and lack of Marriage rights. The rejection rate for LGBTQ applicants from Thailand and Cambodia appears disproportionately high compared to other countries, leading to concerns about potential discrimination.

Many of these young men have the financial means to travel and visit the UK, often earning more than some of the low-income workers in your country. It is noteworthy that Thailand extends a visa-free entry to UK citizens, demonstrating a welcoming stance towards visitors. This is in stark contrast to the hurdles faced by Thai and Cambodian applicants, despite Thailand’s evolved /status from the low-cost destination it was perceived as two decades ago.

The recent visa-free travel allowances by China and Japan for Thai citizens, along with the Australian embassy's efforts to facilitate travel for Thais, highlight a growing trend of international openness. This makes the situation with the UK even more perplexing and concerning.

Given these circumstances, I earnestly request a face-to-face meeting with you to present evidence and discuss what may either be discrimination or administrative errors leading to the unfair denial of visas. It is crucial that we address these issues promptly to ensure fairness, equality, and mutual respect for the LGBTQ community.


I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you directly about these concerns and to work towards a positive resolution.


Yours sincerely,

Mr. Cameron McKean

CEO – Director - Founder

Confidia Limited (Public Company Australia)

Email: [email protected]



  • VIA
  • Cameron McKean