No Sex?

No Sex?

Why a Lack of Sex Can Be a Serious Problem in Relationships
Cameron McKean Cameron McKean

When people talk about problems in relationships, not having enough sex might sound like a minor issue. But it's far from trivial. It can be a significant reason why relationships fall apart.

The Hard Truth: Sex Matters More Than You Think

Studies show that in many countries, around 70% of people who file for divorce mention a lack of sex as one of the top reasons. If couples are having sex less than four times a month, it's often a sign that something deeper is wrong.


Why Is Sex So Important?

Sex isn't just about physical pleasure. It's about connection. It's a way for two people to accept each other fully. Through sex, people feel seen, valued, and less alone. It builds trust. When couples stop being intimate, it can feel like they're drifting apart emotionally, too.


When One Person Wants more sex.

One of the hardest parts is when one person wants more sex but doesn't know how to talk about it. They might drop hints instead of having an honest conversation. They might get frustrated, act distant, or even start arguments about unrelated things. Deep down, these fights are often about feeling rejected and unloved.

Eventually, if the problem isn't addressed, someone might even cheat. Not because they don’t love their partner but because they're desperate to feel wanted again.


Why Talking About It Feels So Awkward

Talking about a lack of sex is challenging because it hits at our most profound insecurities. No one likes feeling unwanted. It’s painful to think, "Maybe I'm not attractive enough," or "Maybe there's something wrong with me."


The Real Reason Behind the Distance

Here’s an important thing to remember: most people do want sex. If it’s not happening, there’s usually an unmet need or an unspoken issue. Maybe one person feels unappreciated, stressed, or even bored with routine. Sometimes, it's about wanting different things in the bedroom but feeling too embarrassed to say so.


How to Fix It?

If talking face-to-face feels too hard, try this: send a message to your partner, "What I Want from Sex." Be honest about your feelings and desires. Then, read each other's letters with an open mind, without judgment.

It’s normal for couples to have some differences in what they want. The key is not to let hurt feelings create even bigger conflict. With patience and understanding, you can find common ground.


A Final Thought

Every time a couple has an honest conversation about their sex life, even if it's awkward, they're taking a big step toward saving their relationship. It’s like giving your relationship a fresh chance to grow stronger and more connected.

So, don’t be afraid to talk about it. Your relationship is worth it.


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